If, for any reason, a student has to wear an item of non-regulation clothing to school, they must bring a note from parent/caregiver explaining the reason and bring this to the Associate Principal or a Deputy Principal. Uniform items may be loaned in the short term.


Girls' Uniform

✓  Skirt: Hargest green A-line skirt. Kilt: Hargest kilt to be worn with mid brown tights or above the knee beaver brown socks and the long sleeved white shirt (skirt or kilt may be worn throughout the year, kilt not worn with polo shirt)

✓  Shirt: White blouse with long sleeves, pointed collar and straight hem.

✓  Polo: White short sleeved polo shirt with Hargest collar stripes and pocket monogram. May be worn with grey skirt or shorts.

✓  Socks: ¾ white below the knee socks or white sockettes.

✓  Shoes: Plain black leather, laced, flat, dress (NOT t-bar).

✓  Jersey: Cardinal red V necked jersey with school monogram.

✓  Vest: Cardinal red V necked vest with school monogram.

✓  Blazer: School regulation blazer may be worn.

✓  Tie: Red, gold, grey; must be worn with long-sleeved blouse (Senior Campus only).

✓  Trousers and Shorts: Regulation grey. (Trousers not with polo shirt)

✓  Jacket: JHC Black Jacket with school monogram (may be worn in class).


Boys' Uniform

✓  Trousers and Shorts: Regulation grey. (Long trousers are worn with white shirt and tie at the Senior Campus)

✓  Junior Campus – with grey flannel shirt only (ties are not worn at the Junior Campus)

✓  Shirt: Long sleeved, straight hem grey flannel.

✓  Shirt – long sleeved, white, shaped hem, worn with tie and long trousers.

✓  Polo: White short sleeved polo shirt with Hargest collar stripes and pocket monogram. Worn only with shorts.

✓  Socks: Grey with regulation red and gold top.

✓  Shoes: Plain black leather, laced, dress.

✓  Jersey: Cardinal red V necked jersey with school monogram.

✓  Vest: Cardinal red V necked vest with school monogram.

✓  Blazer: School regulation blazer may be worn

✓  Tie: Red, gold, grey; must be worn with long-sleeved white shirt (Senior Campus only)

✓  Belts: Black or dark grey with standard buckle (Senior Campus only).

✓  Jacket: JHC Black Jacket with school monogram (may be worn in class).

✓  Boys’ Dress Uniform: Long grey trousers, a white shirt and plain grey or black socks. School tie must be worn. Plain black leather, flat, dress shoes.

PE Uniform - Girls' and Boys'

✓  Plain black shorts or black track pants.

✓  Sports top T–shirt, red and gold. White polyprop may be worn underneath in winter. Gym shoes with white soles (no skate shoes, soft soles without laces or soft sandshoes). White or black short socks.

✓  Optional – black warm-up hoodie with school logo on front and surname on back, worn with PE uniform only.

✓  PE uniform may be worn to and from school on Fridays (Junior Campus only).

✓  PE Top available for purchase from Junior Campus


✓  Sandals: Optional in terms 1 and 4. Flat black, plain, with a heel strap and one ankle strap. Thong styles are not permitted. Socks are not to be worn with sandals. Sandals are not to be worn in laboratories and technology rooms. Sandals are not to be worn in Terms 2 and 3.

✓  Jacket: Any plain black weatherproof jacket (not cotton). The JHC black jacket with monogram is available online at https://kooga.co.nz/events/james-hargest-college/.

✓  Undergarment: A plain white or black t-shirt or polyprop may be worn under the uniform tops for extra warmth.

✓  Hat: Plain white hat or school monogrammed bucket hat for sun protection.

✓  Beanie: Optional. Cardinal red with gold stripe.

✓  Scarf: Optional. Cardinal red with gold stripe.

✓  Gloves: Optional. Black.

✓  Blazer: Regulation red with monogrammed pocket.

Personal Grooming

✓  Hair colour must be natural in appearance. Unnatural and or multi-coloured hair is unacceptable

✓  Extreme hairstyles are not acceptable (including shaved head, partially shaved head, mohawks and tails)

✓  Hair must be tidy and off the face

✓  Students with longer hair (that falls beneath the collar) must have it all tied back with plain hair bands (only colours of the school uniform may be used)

✓  Boys’ faces must be clean shaven

✓  No jewellery is to be worn. The exception is one plain gold or silver stud or small sleeper in each earlobe

✓  No make-up or nail varnish may be worn

General Points

✓  All uniform items are to be worn correctly

✓  All students using the workshops must wear protective clothing

✓  Skirts must be of a reasonable length, neither very short nor very long

✓  Parents are asked to be sure that uniform and footwear are in good order at the start of each term. All garments should be clearly marked with the owner’s name

✓  If in doubt regarding items of uniform, please check by ringing the school office before a purchase is made