Menzies College students pride themselves on their appearance and have a reputation in the community as being very well presented.


All Students

✓  Menzies (dark green) polar fleece (full or half zip) or dark green V-neck woollen jersey or sleeveless vest with monogram.

✓  Menzies College waterproof jacket with monogram or plain black jacket.

✓  Black lace-up shoes. Black sandals (with back strap) may be worn in summer without socks.

✓  Medium grey shorts or long trousers..

✓  Menzies grey socks with red and green tops or plain white ankle socks.

✓  Thermals may be worn under shirts and tops but must not be visible.

✓  Menzies skirt, knee length

✓  Plain white ankle socks.

✓  Menzies Hunting Tartan pleated kilt (knee length)

✓  Plain black or green tights.

Junior Students (Year 7-10)

✓  Dark green short or long sleeved polo shirt with red and white trim on collar to be worn without visible undergarment.

Senior Students (Year 11-13)

✓  Regulation white dress shirt or blouse

✓  Regulation green senior tie (Year 11 & 12)

✓  Regulation Year 13 striped tie

✓  Regulation school blazer with monogram (Optional)

NO Caps are to be worn on the school grounds, broad brimmed hats are permitted for sun protection.

Health & Physical Education Uniform (Year 7-10)

Tops:      Menzies Physical Education top
Bottom:  The following are acceptable: red or black shorts or track pants.
Shoes:    It is strongly recommended that shoes be worn. These are to have non-marking soles.

Notes to the Physical Education Uniform
✓  The colour restrictions of the uniform do not apply to senior physical education or outdoor leadership (Year 11-13 students) but there are to be no offensive slogans or cartoons to be worn.

✓  Staff may require students to wear other appropriate clothing from time to time e.g. swimming costume, hairnets, dustcoats (for Technology) etc.

✓  In some circumstances, staff may deem it inappropriate for a student to be required to change into the uniform e.g. a health unit, injuries.

✓  Parents shall be contacted if a student has an ongoing difficulty in bringing the correct uniform.

Special Considerations

In some situations because of health and safety considerations, students may be required to wear a specific component of the uniform i.e. Workshop Technology – shoes, not sandals must be worn.


A green blazer, white shirt and Menzies regulation tie with the kilt or long grey trousers may be required to be worn on formal occasions. The school has a range of various sized blazers available for this purpose. Students may be required to wear the formal uniform when they are representing Menzies College.

Other representative uniforms include – wet weather tracksuits, netball skirts, hockey shirts and skirts, equestrian, athletic singlets, basketball singlets/t-shirts. Uniforms are to be worn in direct connection with the activity for which they were issued; that is on the day of competition, travelling to/from the activity or event, while participating in the activity or event. Students have a responsibility to return any issued uniforms in a clean and tidy condition at least equal to the condition the uniform was in when received.

Students have a responsibility to report any uniform damage as soon as possible to the teacher in charge of their activity and/or the Head of Department, Sport. Students whose uniforms are lost or damaged through careless or irresponsible use while in the care of the student, may be charged to assist with the cost of repair and/or replacement of the uniform. Students who fail to return their uniforms by the due date may incur a fine.


✓  Culturally acceptable jewellery may be worn – Jewellery must be unobtrusive at all times.

✓  Any changes to the school’s uniform (including sports uniform) should be passed by The Board of Trustees.

IMPORTANT: Please name all uniform. There is a large amount of uniform, in particular polar fleeces, handed in to lost property each year un-named and therefore unable to be returned to the owner.